Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just Smiling...........

The last few days have been so good for my Dad, and in turn, for all of us as well. He has really found his voice and has been talking a lot and making perfect sense. He even told my mom "yes go away" when she asked him if he wanted privacy. She didn't take offense and we were both so glad to hear him express his wishes. He told the PT that what she was doing hurt his back (he has a terrible back and we just knew it was bothering him) and when one of them spoke very loudly to him and repeated herself twice he said "I heard you" (lol). My mom told him this morning "Lisa doesn't think you remember her" and when I came in later that afternoon he looked right at me and said "I know who you are, I remember you!". It had obviously been on his mind all day. I cannot tell you what those words meant to me. He's really become aware of himself and his surroundings and is very concerned w/ who is doing what to him. It's truly amazing the changes taking place every day.

Keep those prayers coming---they are being answered. As always, THANK YOU!

P.S. I asked him "Dad, how old are you in this picture?" (the picture on the header of this blog) and he answered right away "8" and my heart kind of sank. I said "Dad, you are 62 here......" and he said "6 and 2 are 8". I just now remembered that the night of his birthday he looked at his cake and said---"I'm 8?" and I said "sorry Dad, I didn't have a 2."