Tuesday, July 14, 2009

July 14th

Today started out as a bad day for all us. Just feeling lost and sad. Trying to hang on to that last bit of hope. My mom was with my dad all day today and he was pretty mellow, no movement or anything, just deep sleep. Deep sleep and a fever. They drew blood, did a chest x ray and an urinalysis. Pneumonia? Kidney infection? Staff infection? Nothing? Only time will tell.

I didn't get to go to the hospital earlier today b/c I didn't have anyone to stay w/ the kids. So I went up later in the evening. I got there around 6:15 and was discouraged. I sat and cried. Pulled it together and read to him from his bible. Closed the bible and started talking to him---about everything, the kids, the weather, his brother who is coming to see him Friday from Texas and all of a sudden up goes his right arm and it's heading right towards his staples on his head. So I grab his hand and hold it. Then I look at his face and I can see blue from his left eye (he has the prettiest blue eyes). "Dad are you trying to open your eyes?" my heart was pounding. And sure enough, little by little he opened that eye about 1/2 way and his right eye a bit too. This went on for 20 minutes. He was trying to talk too but I told him "you can't talk right now so don't try". He was moving that right side all around. When I asked him to move his toes he would. I told him that he had vaseline on his eyes so if things were blurry that was why. He kept bringing that hand up to his head and it never dawned on me that he might be in pain. The nurse said "Kraig, blink your eyes if you are in pain" and blink he did. So she gave him something and out he went. God love him.

My mother and sister went up later and rounded the corner to see him lying there scratching his head w/ his eyes 1/2 open again. He appeared to know who they were and did much of the same things w/ them as he had w/ me earlier. When the nurse asked him if they were being loud he shook his head no. He keeps touching his head, he seems confused so my mom and the nurse were trying to give him an abbreviated version of what happened. Obviously he's still very out of it and still coming around.

There really are no words to express our happiness right now. We're taking it day by day and today, was a good day. Today, God sent us a reminder to not lose faith.

Praise God and you all you wonderful people who are praying for my Dad!


  1. Praise God~ I had such a horrible day today...I cried all day...felt sad..and so tired. Felt like I really neeeded strenght. When I was with him all day...he was..well...like in a deep sleep. I felt frustrated and overwhelmed. Had to leave to get Heather at 4...and the nurse was giving him tylenol..he had a 101.8 temp. The tears came again..and I prayed. When you called tonite...I was beside myself...and when we got there and he opened his eyes...I was so on my knees thanking God. His bp was good..his ICP was good...and we asked him if he knew that it was Sherry and Heather to blink his eyes...and he blinked. I stopped breathing for a moment. I know that he has a long way to go..but could this be the beginning of his long journey back to us. I love him so...and will perhaps sleep tonite for the first time in two weeks. I so believe in the power of prayer...and God has sent us all of these wonderful angels to pray for him...and us. Thank you...thank you...everyone that's praying for Kraig. He hears you...and please continue. Much love and hugs to all...and God bless. :))

  2. Reading this gives me so much hope for you all and sending so much of everything your way to help you keep strong...the sun is beginning to shine in your lives again!! Lila Rose

  3. I went through work with low energy
    and a broken heart. I spoke to my Mom several times through out the day
    and the feedback was not good! unable to focus I went in to daydream mode.
    Dreaming that my dad was awake and
    those blue eyes were looking at me.
    It got me through my day. I prayed in my car, I prayed in the shower, I even prayed on the drive over to get
    my mother and daughter. Who would of thought I would walk into my dad's room and find his eyes open. My dream came true. God heard my prayers. Although they were hazy and pie eyed, they were open. I got to see his baby blues. My cup runeth over!

  4. oh Lisa....I have so many words but none of them matter right now. What matters is that he is improving and I will continue to keep him, you and your family in my thoughts.

  5. I found out a couple of days ago...I am so sorry for what you all must be going through. I will be praying for his recovery. - Diana (and Allison).

  6. What a good day for you and the rest of the family Beez- I told you, there would be times when your faith in the M.D.s and God would be tested but in the end, you'd persevere and everything in last night's blog is very promising!!! To respond on command is huge, and to have been able to see your dad's eyes and for him to know you were there I'm sure also gave him some comfort as he's now starting to experience the questions surrounding the circumstances that brought him to FAHC...one step at a time- I pray for continued forward progress for him and all of you...Love you Beez!

  7. Praise God and such joy!!!! I am sitting here with tears streaming down my face reading this. OMG, this is just so fantastic!! I know there may be a few days where there may be some setbacks, but, he is on his way to recovery. I just know it! I can feel it!! Oh, I know how happy all of you are!!! I think I may go do the happy dance :) Hugs and love and soooo many smiles!!

  8. Lisa, I am still crying from reading this post! I am so happy for you and your family. Hold on the to the faith... God is good!! If you need someone to watch the kids, let me know!! I hope and pray that today will be a day of more progress... the sun is finally shining! - Crystal Waligory

  9. Lisa, your Dad is strong and amazing, just like you. He is fighting and God is good. I can't tell you the joy that I feel for you and your family reading this post! The sun is shining and today is a new and wonderful day!!! Keep the faith and the next time you need someone to watch the kids, call me!!! I'm here. XOXO

  10. This is amazing news! I am so happy for you all. I hope today is twice as good. :0)

  11. That's GREAT news. Our prayers are being answered! I know that Kraig will come through. His faith and his inner strength are making all the difference. Hope every day brings small progress like this. Alvar

  12. Tears of Joy for your good news!

    Above the cloud with its shadow is the star with its light.

  13. Great news Sherry, it just goes to show you should never underestimate the power of (global)prayer! Hugs to all.....jiggy

  14. God Knows how much we all need him, God knows that he has more to do here, God is bringing him back to us all slowly but surely, God will return Kriag to all of us because God knows how much he has already done on this Earth, and how much more he has left to do. Thank God for his wisdom.

  15. Oh Thank God!!!! Tears of joy streaming down my face.What a wonderful experience it must of been to see him open his eyes! A great sign. He is in his way back to us. Constant prayers to Kraig! All those prayers he's said for others through the years and his prayers for me....all coming back to him a thousand fold. Sending prayers to all of you for strength and re-newed faith. Love and blessings and prayers to all. Wish I could be with you all. Sending love and light from Sedona! Love, Lori

  16. OMG ,tears here, but great news Sherry ...
    always remember miracles DO happen , you just have to believe in HIM , and love can do sooo much
    love you and I know God and all your friends here will give you the hope and strengh you and you family need now .

    hugs and lots of love


  17. Lisa, so many people are praying for your dad. I don't want to tempt fate, but I dare say that he has crossed the bridge. The signs you see are promising. It will certainly be a rough road, but you are up to the task, and so is your father. This will probably be one of the most difficult times in your life - and you will be stronger for it.
    I continue to pray for your father and your family.
    Stacy Coon Charbonneau

  18. Lisa and Sherry,

    I can't wrap my heart around your sadness. Words escape me. I am praying, for him and for you. Keep your faith strong and please Sherry, please, please get some rest. He needs you to take care of yourself. I'm so worried about you......

    Hugs to you and your precious family.

  19. more and more prayers and hugs headed your way.....
    I can only imagine what your family is going thru....
    I know God is in control.....He will be with you every step of this journey.....
    lots of love headed your way from way down here in the South!

  20. God bless you all...these comments are such inspiration to me...thank you...thank you...hugs.
