Friday, July 17, 2009

July 17th

I may not post as frequently now as there is not much new to report. We are told progress will be slow and we really won't know the extent of damage until he fully wakes up. We are trying so hard not to lose faith and praying for strength. It's so hard for all of us to see him the way he is right now. He does some purposeful things but it's not consistent or constant. Time.......he needs lots of time. Continue to pray and I will continue to keep you updated when something new happens.


  1. Lisa and Sherry,

    Time, it's such a hard thing to accept when you are scared and longing for your loved one. I am so sorry that Kraig's healing is moving so slowly, I know how hard it is to wait out time when you have a loved one in the hospital. So now in addition to praying for Kraig's continued healing I will pray for your journey through this wait period. I hope that the days pass quickly as he continues to get strong. I wish you strength as you wait, and when you don't have the stregth, I wish you a room full of friends/family to draw strength from. I wish you faith on this journey. And I wish you the hope for his full recovery.
    My thoughts are with you all right now.

  2. Beez, as always, everyone out here is thinking of you and your mom and the rest of the family, wishing for a speedy recuperation, and as Karen wrote in the previous note, the strength to persevere through this long and arduous journey that you all face now... these are the kind of tests that none of us ever want to face but eventually all of us will, and faith of all kinds is what will get you through these tough times. Luv! xoxo

  3. Be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might! :)

  4. My prayers are with you each time I think of you during the day, which is alot. Keep the faith and time will heal as always. It's a hard journey and vigil to keep. There are tons of people with you all. Gods' healing hands I envision on Kraig. xxxooo

  5. Sherry and family,
    As I sat by my sister's bed many long years ago while she was in a coma for 4 months, the early days it was easy to know what to pray for and as time went by and the days dragged it became harder to know if I was praying for the right thing...would she ever recover, would she have a good life, would it be wrong to wish her everlasting peace. God knows our hearts and motives and he gives us strength beyond what is normal if we ask for it. My sister did come out of her coma, and while she was not the person who we once knew, she became a new person in our lives and was an inspiration beyond belief. I loved her even more than I thought humanly possible. No one knows yet what path your journey will take but I knew long before this time what love your family shares within. You will be his strength and he will be yours can only take this journey an hour at a time. May the peace of God be with you all..may you find delight in the little victories and overlook the discouragements...never, never give up!

    Much love,
    Lila Rose

  6. im still here and praying..

  7. Still praying for you all
    Love Pat (larigan)

  8. Thinking of you all and praying for you all. big hugs to you dear Sherry. May XOX
