Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8th.........more good news!

This morning when I got to the hospital a lady on the Neuro team told me "I got your father to hold up two fingers for me this morning". What?! She told me he seems to "comply" when you actually do it while asking versus just asking. So I sat w/ him for awhile--- he ignored me and went to sleep.

As I got up to leave I tripped over my own feet, landed on my knees on the floor---making a TON of noise in the process (OUCH!). When I looked up he was wide awake looking at me like "what the heck??". After that he did all kinds of impressive things for me when I asked (and demonstrated) waving goodbye, holding 2 fingers up, high fiving me and sticking his tongue out. I smiled so hard and kept telling him he rocked, lol. When I finally got out the door, and it was hard today b/c he was making me so proud, I said goodbye and waved and he waved back :)

I've no idea how much he understands or what he's thinking but I am darn proud of him and I'd call this progress. I know he has so far to go but every step forward gets him closer to where he needs to be. And we'll , each and every one of us, be right there by his side to help him and cheer him on.

Thanks for sharing our happy news with us!



  1. I am SO happy for you, Lisa! Wow! What a difference in your dad since just a week ago! This is only the beginning. We all knew he'd come back to you and your family. He just needed time to heal and rest. I think you will be surprised daily with his a good way!

    Love, Jan

  2. Fantastic NEW!!! That is great!

  3. Lisa, I truly am beaming with this posting..your father is making incredible progress in a very short time since "awakening"...I have really positive feelings about this...and "feeling" the lift it is giving to all your emotions is just so heartwarming. You are all members of an amazing team to his recovery...your positive attitudes will carry you far and before you know it Dad will be home where he belongs! Keep the faith, sweet lady!!
    Ouch to your falling down but you'd do it all over again in a heartbeat I bet with this outcome!! :-))
    Peace and prayer to you all. Tell your Dad he has a legion of fans cheering him on!! L.R.

  4. I am checking the blog before going to bed (I do every morning first thing, during the day and the last thing at night) and I have happy tears streaming down my cheeks!! So many people need all three modes of learning and to respond...sight, hearing and touch. He needs to hear and see it! But he must know what the words mean otherwise he wouldn't be following the directions I would guess! Such good and happy news. My heart is soaring! I can now go to bed with joy in my heart and will have joyful dreams! Yes, still miles to go, but the journey is going so well now that it has begun since Kraig decided he likes this team. I am overjoyed and can only imagine how all of you are rejoicing!! Still P U S H ing!! Hugs and much, much happiness and love!!


  5. Miracles come in moments...........
    Be ready and willing........
    Oh, this is such great news!!!
    Thinking of you all, constantly!

  6. Great progress ! wow ! Im so happy , your dad is a fighter. We'll keep PUSHing together and praying and praising God for listening .
    Have a good day and tell your daddy the crazy cat girl sends him some hugs and thumbs up for him !;-)
    Love and blessings to you all


  7. That'GREAT news!! Glad Kraig is doing so well. Patience and prayers pays off. Love, Alvar

  8. This is wonderful news! I'm with Andy above (crazy cat girl) - he is a fighter and with all of you fighting with him, and all of us, how can he lose? Excellent!

  9. Yay! I'm jumping for joy now, lol! What a glorious day---still
    Tammy Milligan

  10. more great great news...
    more prayers to come


  11. Such happy news lately. It seems like such small and insignificant things...but it is really so huge! He didn't want us to leave last night...hanging on to my hand as tight as could be...couldn't pull it out. :)) He has come so far in just one week...and to think about how we felt ten days ago after Dr. Gory...Oops...Gorman talked to Rick. It was such a blessing for us when the month turned over. New neuro team. Every day...I see so many positives...I know that God is answering our prayers...and the hundreds out there praying for him. Kraig said God listens...and answers in his own time. I think we are finding this to be true...and he was waiting for the month to turn....our angels are now with us. Still scared...and such a long road ahead...but I know we're all up for the task. We love your dad so...glad that we're a close family. We make an awesome team. Team Kraig. Love you..hoping for another positive week. Thanks to everyone out there for all of your support and continued prayers. Thanks for coming along to share our journey with us.

  12. Reading this update brings back so many memories. When my Dad was at this stage and we would ask him to do certain things he would look at us like we were all nuts. I truly believe Kraig understands more than he can express right now. I've seen this over and over in the patients I worked with too. It's like they are with the program totally and we are the ones who have the problem. He is making awesome progress. :-) This new hospital team along with Team Kraig is awesome. When he gets in rehab you guys are going to see wonderful progress. Just keep remembering to be patient with him and encourage him to the next level.

    I've got the happy dance going again today!!!

    Hugs and prayers!! xoxoxo

    Michele (lizardgal)

  13. Wow what wonderful progress, he seems to be responding to his new team and he is getting stronger.
    Best wishes to you all.

  14. Wow ! What a fantastic news ! I'm so happy for you all ! Your dad is a strong fighter...and he'll make much more progress as days go by...sure it may be a long path to a full recovery but he seems so strong and he can feel all the love around him to help him progress.
    Sending you more and more payers to give your dad all the strength he needs.

    Stéphanie ( Baloochester)

  15. oh, this is such wonderful news!!! i am overjoyed for you!!! i pray foor more good news! praise God, it sounds like he is getting stronger!!

  16. We are rejoicing over this happy news, Lisa. It is the little things that count. Keeping you all in prayer . . .

  17. This is wonderful news for your dad Lisa - thank you for the update and big hugs and best wishes from the Aussies - Darren, Sarena and Adleaide (Australia) wishing for a full recovery.

  18. So happy for this great news!
    Praise the Lord Psalm 148: 1-14

  19. I am sooooo happy all is coming together. Beautiful. Our prayers are doing the magic. So good hearing this.

  20. tears rolling down my cheeks as i was reading this! i'm so happy things are getting better. i'm sorry you had to fall, but hey, it happened for a reason, right!? got his attention and all kinds of great stuff!!
    i think of you often and pray for you daily!
    here for you always!

  21. Thinking of you..and thank you for your kind words..just know we are keeping you all in our hearts every hour of every day! May this be a good day ...give your Dad our warmest of wishes!
    We are looking forward to the next progress report with anticipation of all good things!!
    Hugs, L.R.
