Monday, August 17, 2009

More good news!

Today my Dad was accepted for rehab at Fanny Allen! We couldn't be more thrilled. This is the place that is 5 minutes from my house and about 20 minutes from my Mom and sister. They hope to have him there by weeks end. Things went so wrong for so long that this string of "good" feels extra wonderful!!!

I asked my Dad if he still believes God is good. He said "YES!".

I just know bigger and better things are to come from him.......stay tuned.


  1. I´m so happy to read good news.I will keep Kraig in my prayers.
    Hug and kisses for you, Cherry and for all your family

  2. That is wonderful news, Lisa! I have been reading the blog daily and keeping you and your family in my thoughts. <3

  3. This is wonderful news...even more amazing that your Dad has kept his faith. I continue to pray for your Dad, you and your family everyday. We love you guys.

  4. Prayers have been answered, again. I have prayed (when he was first approved by the insurance company for rehab) for God to place him where he'd get the best care...and suit his needs. I was thrilled when they were leaning toward Fanny Allen. Yesterday...after talking to Bill...I got the impression it wasn't necessarily a go. I know that your Dad needs all of us by his side...and I stressed over the possibility of me not being able to be there all the time for him...if in NY or Boston. Motel rooms...long drives... bad weather guys with jobs and kids in school couldn't be would worry so about us traveling. *Sighs*...But...yesterday...I was still praying for the same outcome. I placed it in God's hands...He made the right decision for all of us. Especially Dad. He knew Kraig would need all of us by his side...One very special gift that God has given your dad is a loving family. We are very close...and this just might be our saving grace. Love you..onward towards the journey home. Team Kraig is ready to report for duty, Sir! xox

  5. Amen to all that Mom Sherry just said!! ♥ L.R.

  6. This is the best news!!!
    I am very glad for all of you!!
    Yeah, the power of prayer!!!!
    Stay well.

  7. That is really great news for you guys! Take care :)

    Diana (and Allison)
