my Dad makes,
hands down,
the BEST pizza EVER!
It's been a while since I've had it.
We used to tell him that he needed to open a pizza joint and name it "Poppy's Pizza".
Apparently he made it like a week before his stroke.
I didn't get to have any.
I hope I get to have some again.
And cinnamon rolls.........
oooey, gooey perfection.
I used to love to watch him make them.
He'd flour up the counter and spread the dough,
butter it up, roll it, stretch it, sprinkle it.......
I can smell them now.
Brings me back to a late Sunday afternoon winter as a kid.
He used to make us breakfast for dinner.
We always loved that.
He'd make fried dough sometimes.
Other times he would wrap those little smokies in dough......
we'd have them w/ maple syrup.
And spaghetti w/ pepperoni in the sauce.......
and eggs benedict........
homemade french fries
and homemade fudge on Christmas Eve..........
slightly burnt toll house cookies (every time)
and there was lots and lots of Jiffy Pop on the stove top too.
My sister sent this to me today......her and Dad!