Saturday, August 8, 2009

August 8th.........more good news!

This morning when I got to the hospital a lady on the Neuro team told me "I got your father to hold up two fingers for me this morning". What?! She told me he seems to "comply" when you actually do it while asking versus just asking. So I sat w/ him for awhile--- he ignored me and went to sleep.

As I got up to leave I tripped over my own feet, landed on my knees on the floor---making a TON of noise in the process (OUCH!). When I looked up he was wide awake looking at me like "what the heck??". After that he did all kinds of impressive things for me when I asked (and demonstrated) waving goodbye, holding 2 fingers up, high fiving me and sticking his tongue out. I smiled so hard and kept telling him he rocked, lol. When I finally got out the door, and it was hard today b/c he was making me so proud, I said goodbye and waved and he waved back :)

I've no idea how much he understands or what he's thinking but I am darn proud of him and I'd call this progress. I know he has so far to go but every step forward gets him closer to where he needs to be. And we'll , each and every one of us, be right there by his side to help him and cheer him on.

Thanks for sharing our happy news with us!
