So many signs that the summer is coming to an end. School starts in 3 days. The pools are closing. The days are getting shorter and cooler (I noticed last night it was dark at 8:00). The fair is in town. Tuesday is September 1st. The summer of 2009 is one I will always remember.
Yesterday I took my dad down to the kitchen/waiting room. I told him there was a computer in there and would he like to do anything on it. He said that he'd like me to pull up and then I asked him if he'd like me to find some information on Remdog for him (Remdog is an announcer, for the Redsox, who has been away since May w/ lung cancer and depression. My dad LOVES him). He said yes. He hates having to wear that helmet (he will need to wear it anytime he is out of bed, until the bone is back in place and we are not sure when that will be) but I kept reminding him that all great athletes wear a helmet to protect their heads. Ivan---thanks for the Redsox sticker.
My dad continues to make progress. yesterday he was making his chair go by himself w/ his foot and hand. He grabbed the handrail and put his foot on the floor and thought he was getting up. I told him all in due time. Of course he's frustrated and confused at times. Still trying to piece things together and make sense of it all. He's hasn't been sleeping great either. He and I did a crossword puzzle together yesterday (he is a crossword guru) and he amazed me. I said "____ Moines, 3 letters" and he said "DES, D-E-S" and then I said "Air Force One......3 letters" and he said "jet" and "dispensable candy, 3 letters" and he said "Pez, they still make that stuff?" then I said "horse _______" and he thought for a minute and said "crap". Haha. That sense of humor shines through.
I know many of you have expressed your wishes to come visit him but we think he needs more time. We don't feel like he's emotionally ready to have visitors other than family right now. We'll let you know when he feels up to it. In the meantime, your continued prayers mean the world to us and him.