Yesterday the plan was to give Dad a spinal tap and take about 10% of his spinal fluid in hopes of temporarily reducing the size of the fluid filled ventricles in his brain in hopes of seeing him come around a bit more and also to look for infection. The first attempt at the spinal tap was done in his room. They tried 3 times w/out success. He has had back problems most of his adult life and apparently has some arthritis there as well as a degenerative disc problem. SO they ended up having radiology do the spinal tap w/ guidance. They were successful. We don't know if there is any infection yet and, unfortunately, we did not see any change in his neurological status either. They say he does not do any "purposeful" things or follow commands. I have some him do some of each but not consistently. I do feel like he has his moments when he is "there" and in those moments all I see on his face are sadness and fear.
This morning they decided to start him on a heparin drip. They feel the risk of the clots are greater at this point than the risk of a bleed (which they don't anticipate happening). They are checking his blood every few hours to make sure things are okay. I believe they will do another CT tomorrow to check for any changes in his brain and lungs.
They are really stumped as to why he is not neurologically doing more and why he's not following commands. According to his CT he should be showing improvement. At the very least they feel like he should be talking a bit, following commands consistently and moving that right side a lot more. A secondary infection or something would cause delay but so far they have not found one. Perhaps he just needs more time? I don't know. Only time will tell. I hate to feel the way I do, frustrated, hopeless, angry.......but I'm only human. I think we all are starting to feel this way. It is so hard, day after day after day, to see him lying there, terrified and trapped in his body.
My faith is being tested for sure........I'm digging deep!