I will start the RCIA program Monday night, w/ my husband as my sponsor. My sister will be attending as well, w/ my mom as hers. The kids will be taking religion classes at the same time. They started last week. I find it ironic that my father found his faith, after he lost his father and the same thing is happening to me. I feel my father's presence when I'm at the Church. I feel close to him and connected. He would be so proud that we're doing this. I wish I could walk the walk w/ him but I KNOW he knows---I know this b/c before school the other morning, my son asked me if I had a picture of Noah's Ark and I went upstairs and got his Boy's Childhood Bible that my dad gave him on Easter last year---and as I opened it---there was this hand written note, to Carter, from my father, but I couldn't help but think, it was his message, that morning, to me, that he was so thrilled that "those babies were getting religion" (he always would say that to my mom "those babies need religion" but not to me---he didn't preach).

Then out of it, fell this picture---it's my dad holding Carter when he was just days old.

Of course I cried but what a treasure for me to find. I will cherish it always as I have nothing in my father's handwriting.
If you are reading this, it means you're still stopping by, still thinking of us and for that I thank you.