Wednesday, March 31, 2010

RCIA Updates

Last week there was a Parish Mission at our Church and I was honored to have Father ask me if I would speak one of the nights, about my journey of faith. I said yes as I felt like I was meant to. It was hard to do b/c I couldn't tell my journey w/out telling my father's journey last summer...but I did it. It was very well received and I know my father was so proud of me, as was my family.

Saturday night, at the Easter Vigil, my sister and I will make our first communion and confirmation. I wish my father was here but I know if he were here, I wouldn't be at this point in my life.

Luke 11: 9-10
"So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened."

I found this treasure the other day.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I don't need to tell you how hard it was for all of us. We went to the cemetery as a family. After I announced we'd be going, Delaney got out her crayons and paper. I asked her what she was doing and she said "making a Christmas card for Poppy!". A blue eyed, brown haired angel flying in the sky.........

We attended Christmas Eve mass and Delaney was in the pageant as well. As I looked down the pew, at all of my family who was there, that normally wasn't, I cried. I cried b/c we were there. I cried for the man who wasn't, yet, was responsible for us all being there. Then I saw my angel come down the aisle and cried some more hoping and praying that her Poppy could see her.

Save a Place for Me

Sunday, January 31, 2010

First Reconciliation

Carter made his first reconciliation (confession) Saturday. We were so proud of him. He even confessed to Father a few things we hadn't talked about. He accepted his certificate and offered Father his hand for a hand shake. Father seemed pretty tickled by that as none of the other kids were doing that. Each child lit a candle, had holy water put on them (in remembrance of their baptism) and finished w/ a blessing from the Deacon. At each station we read a small prayer to Carter. I was surprised to find myself moved to tears more than once. I know partly b/c I was proud of Carter and partly b/c someone was missing---someone who would have been standing right there w/ us and someone who might have been even prouder than I was of Carter. I know he was w/ us---- I know this b/c after everyone had lit their candle, and we all sat down, Carter said "mom, look, one candle is burning brighter than the rest, it's the only one I can see, I think it's mine......." and as we walked up to the alter to check it was, indeed, Carter's candle. He lit the one! He'll make his first communion in May. I can't tell you the positive effect religion has had in Carter's life. The changes are amazing. I can't forget my fathers words to Carter in the Children's Bible he gave him on Easter of last year.......

"May God's words guide you to manhood and help you grow up to be a good man."

Carter and Father