Thursday, August 27, 2009

Just Smiling...........

The last few days have been so good for my Dad, and in turn, for all of us as well. He has really found his voice and has been talking a lot and making perfect sense. He even told my mom "yes go away" when she asked him if he wanted privacy. She didn't take offense and we were both so glad to hear him express his wishes. He told the PT that what she was doing hurt his back (he has a terrible back and we just knew it was bothering him) and when one of them spoke very loudly to him and repeated herself twice he said "I heard you" (lol). My mom told him this morning "Lisa doesn't think you remember her" and when I came in later that afternoon he looked right at me and said "I know who you are, I remember you!". It had obviously been on his mind all day. I cannot tell you what those words meant to me. He's really become aware of himself and his surroundings and is very concerned w/ who is doing what to him. It's truly amazing the changes taking place every day.

Keep those prayers coming---they are being answered. As always, THANK YOU!

P.S. I asked him "Dad, how old are you in this picture?" (the picture on the header of this blog) and he answered right away "8" and my heart kind of sank. I said "Dad, you are 62 here......" and he said "6 and 2 are 8". I just now remembered that the night of his birthday he looked at his cake and said---"I'm 8?" and I said "sorry Dad, I didn't have a 2."


  1. Wonderful news! This is so great to hear.

    We will continue sending those thoughts and prayers.

    Peggy V

  2. Lisa, I gasped reading the end of this delightful entry...K. is remembering things that you weren't even thinking some point he is going to tell you to knock it off with all the "testing your memory"
    I was touched when you said he is concerned with what people are doing...there is such a vulnerability that sickness can bring..learning to trust. I have seen it in others and I have experienced it. Trust is a huge issue for me in life...and that definitely relates to my physical well being! Having been an independent man, it takes time to feel comfortable being dependent on others ..but that time shall pass the stronger he gets.
    Life must feel so good right now think that some had wanted to "write him off" early on...we knew better didn't we!!! My heart is just overflowing for you all...more than I could ever put in to words.
    Kraig, this is for you ~ YOU have an amazing wife, family and an amazing spirit ~ I know you will be reading this one day with your beautiful daughter!!
    Have a wonderful weekend everyone, the time you spend together is even more precious each day!!
    Peace and prayer, L.R.

  3. I am elated by the fact that your dad continues to progress with each new day, Lisa. I can only imagine how hard it must be to have a close loved one not remember you at times. I'm sure it's incredibly painful. But, look how far he has come. Just give him a little more time. He has such moments of clarity....more than he's had in months. During those moments, he knows exactly who you are. You are such a beautiful, loving daughter. You have been by his side since day one. Someday, he will know this and be so thankful. Don't worry, my friend. His memory is returning.
    Love, Jan

  4. Oh, happy days!!! Such wonderful news and such great progress he is making so fast too!! I laughed when I read that he said yes, go away. That sounds exactly how my dad was. It never offended me either because sometimes we all need our space and some time alone. I cried with such happiness when he said he remembers you and I know your happiness too. I can't even begin to convey how excited and happy I am to read all this wonderful news today. I almost fell off the couch with amazement when he remembered his math and that he remembered what he said on his 62nd birthday!! That's just proof positive, isn't it, that he is making fantastic strides. I thank God each day for his recovery. I thank God every day for all you and your faith and love for Kraig. Sometimes in the darkest hours is when we find our strength and the closeness we may have let go of for a while. You all are a family we all must look up to and admire. Hugs and love to each of you! Keep up the tremendous job, Kraig! You are doing beautifully!! Special hugs for you and for your team at rehab!!

  5. oh wow... I am crying at reading this... i know what big steps these are

    : )

    Jenna (aka Whidbychick)

  6. Every little bit I read, as times goes on, I get more and more hopefull as to what might still be waiting for some of us!! This can happen to my brother, sister, friend (I do not have parents or in-laws anymore)......but there is HOPE!!
    His recovery is remarkable!!!
    The power of prayers!!!
    Stay well and look after yourself.

  7. I'm so excited for you all. How uplifting. God bless, how sweet he is

  8. Beautiful uplifting news.
    Makes my world feel so happy.
    I continue P.U.S.Hi'ng.
    Hugs and love

  9. This is wonderful news! I am so happy for you and your family!

  10. This is such great news for you and your family. Your dad is such a fighter!! Hoping for many more days of great progress!!! xoxoxoxo Monica

  11. Oh this last enrty has been a joy to read. I laughed when i read the bit about 6 +2 being 8. He is remembering things and that is so special.
    I just read Sherrys latest comment on Flickr, how wonderful to be able to take his beloved cats into see him. I am so pleased that he is making such good progress.
    Thoughts are being sent to each and everyone of you.

  12. I love to hear news like this!! This is wonderful. Let your Dad know that we are all praying for him even here in Texas. Thanks again for always keeping us updated on his status!!! This just made my day. Tell your Mom I'm thinking of her too and I keep praying for your Dad and your family.....
    Hugs (Jen)Flickr

  13. I haven't been on Flickr and the blog for a few days now and I'm so happy to read such a good news ! His memory is coming back and that's such a great sign and all those progress are amazing ! Even if you're not at the end of the road yet you must all feel so relieved !
    i'm still praying for him and you all !

    Stéphanie ( Baloochester)

  14. Just checking in and SO happy to hear the progress. I know you were so bummed imagining he didn't know who you were. I knew somewhere in there he was aware. How could he not be? One of the amazing women who has stood by his side - throughout his life - but especially now. His progress is a testiment to his strength, but almost as importantly I think, to yours. Keep fighting the good fight and enjoying his progress. Funny....I really can't wait now, to finally get to know your dad a bit better. I remember trying to come see you one of the first night in the hospital and not knowing how to ask because I didn't know your dad's name. I thought it so weird, having known you for so long, that I couldn't recall his name. Now, it this strange way, I feel like I have gotten to know him! He is a great man with plenty of spirit for sure. I know now where you get it.

  15. awwww, great news Lisa , Im so happy for you all :) I still keep praying
    love to all ,

  16. Wow...amazing progress!

    Take care,

    Diana (and Allison)
