Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Dash

A dear friend of mine sent this link to me a few weeks back. I'm sure she wouldn't mind me sharing her words w/ you---

There is a poem/movie on-line called "The Dash" (click for link). It was sent to me when my brother passed and helped to remind me how life should be lived. From all that I read in this blog and from talking to you, it sounds like your dad already lives life to the fullest, as this poem reminds us to do. For all of you who haven't read/seen The Dash, I'd take the time to do so. Turn up the volume...beautiful music accompanies each verse as well as gorgeous photos of nature. Your dad is going to pull through this, Lisa, and continue to live life as this poem intends.

I watched this and was moved by it. It really does remind us what is important in life and how you just never know what's going to happen in life. I have gone back to it a few times to watch it again. My friend was right about my Dad already living life to the fullest and I know he is proud of his dash thus far. I know every daughter will say their father is a good man but I really truly mean it when I say my father is a good man. Anybody who knows my father will tell you that. He doesn't care about the materialistic things in life. He never asks for anything from anyone. He has done so many GOOD KIND UNSELFISH things in his life. He doesn't deserve this. I hope he's not suffering.


  1. thank you thank you lisa for sharing..
    you are such a wonderful person.. well runs in the family ya.. such a lovable like your mum and dad..
    praying and praying ..

  2. the only things that stand between a person and what they want in life are the will to try it and the faith to believe it's possible
    rich devos

    i believe kraig has his strong will power..

  3. Hi Beez- sorry it's been a couple of days since I checked the blog and just read about the clots..stay positive, because it's how you get through the day-to-day stuff- I know it's easy for me to say because I'm such an eternal optimist but I've always found alot of strength in humor at times like this,because a good laugh,or like you said, a good memory which makes you smile, no matter what that might be, is the sort of thing which makes the unbearable more tolerable. That's why I forward the things that get sent to me that I think you might get a laugh from- to help you maintain your sanity in an insane situation...thinking of you always.

  4. Lisa, you are doing so well through this extremely strenuous time. There have been so many ups and downs. I am so proud of how you have handled everything thus far. You have been an amazing support for your family, especially for your father. Remember to take care of yourself, too. Get rest, have a cup of tea, try to relax. I know that seems impossible right now, but it's so important. I'm here whenever you need me.....just call anytime.

    Oh, and thanks for the special doorknob for my bedroom! :)

    I love you,

  5. Crying so hard. Thanks for sharing that clip. Brings back a lot for me, for sure. And, as I head into yet another rainy day with my three monkeys, reminds me to cherish every moment instead of wasting it. How will they talk about me as a mom? I hope it is with the same kindness and love you speak of your dad. He truly is a great man and your snippets of him provide such great illustration. Hang in there. Through all of this, you have shown your own strength, kindness, love and your parents and all around you are so proud. I know you don't feel much like socializing, but as always, let me know what I can do. Love.


  6. So incredibly touching..my heart is melting..and every day I think of your family and what you all mean to one another and what you are going through. Your father has created a gift of family that has touched us all in small and large ways. Your mother's love for her valentine has touched the world of flickr and our lives will never be the same! Peace to you all! L.R.

  7. Lisa and family, from the IBM family thank you so much for sharing this blog with us. Some of us have known and worked with your Dad for 25+ years and I want you to know many of us are thinking of him and you all and hoping for the best. We all know what kind of person he is and have faith he will come through this.

    If you have the time I wanted to share my own experience as I understand what you are experiencing. In 1995 my father was hit by a bus, he had a closed in head injury the effectively resulted in internal bleeding and a coma. Myself, brothers and sister took turns staying with him through six weeks in intensive care and lived through all situations you have described in this blog. It is emotionally exhausting and the compartmentalization of the hospital staff is especially frustrating. I was fortunate to have a brother and sister that have 25 yrs in the medical field to sort it through.

    Why tell you all this, well my Dad did improve slowly. It is not real clear when he truely came out of it. He slowly recovered, got out of ICU and started the long road back. That included another two months in the hospital and six months of rehah. In the end he recovered all of his cognitive skill, memories, and humor, in net he was Dad again. It was a long road with many ups and downs but it came to a successful conclusion.

    So I will leave you with the message to keep the faith. Through all that passed family & friends was the glue that held us together. So lean us at IBM in any way necessary. We are here for you and will keep you, the family and Craig in our thoughts.

    Tim (tmacnee@us.ibm.com)

  8. this is wonderful ...thanks for sharing
    Before my grandpa passed away, when he knew the end was near ... , he smiled at me and told me not to be sad cause he had lived a full life , had a wonderful family , so it was ok to go ...I did not understand at the moment, but that was what helped me go through ...

    keep the praying flow ...
    hugs to you all


  9. That was so beautiful. I truly believe the words, too. Thanks for sharing that with us. I am praying without ceasing for your family.

  10. P.U.S.H

    When your situation seems impossible it's not! Don't give up...P.U.S.H.
    God will answer! Our problems are God's opportunities!
    When we can't, He CAN! How sad for those who quit one day too soon so...
    NEVER give up! P.U.S.H.

    "I am the Lord,the God of all mankind.
    Is anything to hard for me?"
    "Jeremiah 32:27

    I pray for you and your family, faith is strong, prayer is strong, love and belief is strong...P.U.S.H....Pray Until Something Happens.

    That is what I am doing for my sister, Kraig, your mom and you Lisa, keep up your strength. Thanks for keeping us updated...you are quite a gem.
    God bless you and your family.


  11. back to check on any news ...
    keep strong Kraig
    sending more prayers


  12. Remember PUSH
    and remember HOPE!!!!
    Thinking of you in these sad and difficult times!!!
