Thursday, July 23, 2009

This one made me smile!

He does love his Red Sox shirts.

Click on photo to view it larger.


  1. Awesome pic!! I had just thought last night I hoped you would post another candid...they make our hearts smile...thank you!! May today be a better day..
    Peace to you and yours ♥

  2. It made me smile...but cry in the same instant. I miss him so. Folding some laundry the other day...nothing but Red Sox shirts...right now...the Sox are not doing well. I haven't told him that the Yankees are in first place. Some things are better left unsaid. We loved to watch the game on Friday night. Go out to dinner...I am just a lost soul...going through the motions every day. 50 times a day...something happens and I say...wait until I tell Kraig this.Hard to make it through the day without my best friend by my side. We just did everything together and I'm so lonely. Trying to remain strong and hopeful. I had a dream about him last night...he was smiling...and talked to me. I said .."wow...I have missed hearing your voice.." he said he wanted to come home.(to our house) I was talking to you on the cell phone..and I let him say hello to you...then I woke up and cried. They do say dreams come true...I hope this one does.

  3. I am loving this shot of Kraig. Praying so much for him and you all. xxxxooooo

  4. This is a great shot ..
    I know it is difficult to keep the spirits high sometimes, but hang on those memories, smile and with all that love bring him back home ... the power of our thoughts is huge,there are bonds that will never break because are strings of love ... think positive , stay with him in positive faith ..

    love to all

  5. I hope and pray that your "Best Friend" will be home with you and your family soon, Sherry.
    ((Hugs)) my dear friend

  6. Believe that your dreams will come true........
    The future belongs to those who believe int the veauty of their dreams!!!
    Praying for your family and especially for yoy, Sherry!

  7. yes sherry your dream will come true..
    i cried to read your comment as i know how does it feel when someone close to you .. being so quiet and helpless..
    hold on a little while sherry he will be back to normal.. i know believe in your dreams..

  8. Sherry,

    I feel your are all in my prayers. I have so many great memories of the good times you and I had together and how wonderful Kraig was to my kids when we went on IBM trips and you guys took care of them. I hope we can be in touch again soon!

  9. I do so hope your best friend comes home to you very soon. Prayers for you and Kraig are going up from me. Hugs!!

  10. Still Praying, sending, strength, hope, faith and prayers, keep going, never stop, not a day too soon.

    Hugs xoxo


  11. praying each day and thinking of your mom and you and the whole family...and such a nice way to do the updates and wonderful images as well...I am getting to feel as though I know your dad too..;-D ... {{{hugs}}}

  12. It's Sunday, I am still full of prayers. The sun will shine again for you and your family.
    Love you all, best friends.
