The last week has been an emotional roller coaster . Last Friday when we asked the Nuerosurgeon for his opinion "no holds barred" he pretty much said that my dad was in a vegetative state, did nothing purposeful and that we should pick a time frame of 2 to 3 weeks and if he wasn't any better we would have some tough decisions to make. WOW! This coming from someone who admitted he spends less than 5 minutes a day w/ my dad.
Luck would have it that at the beginning of every month the Nuero team rotates. We now have 2 new fabulous Doctors working w/ my dad. They kind of went back to the drawing board w/ things. They ordered another EEG and an evoked potential (to test the pathways between the peripheral nerves through the spine and to the brain by stimulating nerves with small electrical pulse). The EEG showed further slight improvement on that left side and the evoked potential looked excellent--everything is getting through on that left side. They said he has lots of healthy tissue and there is reason to be hopeful. So now they are still trying to figure out WHY he isn't doing more. BUT today, finally, thank GOD, he followed some commands for the Doctor. You have no idea how good that was to hear. We've seen him do stuff but they haven't. Finally, they did.
That leads me to my other good news!! After my dad had his stroke, but before his stent, a caseworker (we'll call him Bill) came into his room to introduce himself and say "hopefully you won't need my services but anything can happen so you never know." That was the last we saw of him over the past 5 weeks, until Monday when we met w/ the social worker about nursing home placement and he sat in on the meeting. Well, it turns out, he's our angel for the week. After meeting w/ us he just felt like my dad really deserved a chance. He remembered meeting him and how young and healthy he was and after meeting w/ the new Nuero team he felt like he needed to help him out. With his help and the help of the Nuero team he has been approved for acute rehab. This means no nursing home!!! Can you see me smiling?? There are a few places they are looking into for us--Spaulding Rehabilitation in Boston, Sunyview Rehabilitation in NY and Fanny Allen Rehabilitation (which would be fabulous b/c it's 5 minutes from my house and 15 from my Mom). We'll take what we can get though.........all 3 are supposed to be fantastic.
This afternoon my Dad was bright eyed and watching t.v. Whenever I asked him to look at me he did. He turned his head and looked right at me.........I talked to him about rehab and then said to him "if you understood all that give me a thumbs up" and right away he gave me a (very shaky) thumbs up. I kissed him and told him he'd made his daughter VERY happy. At one point he was holding on to the tube that goes to his trach and I told him to let go of it and he kept shaking his head no. He is getting strong---I couldn't pry his fingers off of it. That said, when my mom came around and said "Kraig, let go of that and give me your hand" he did just that. Ain't that love?? Then the nurse came in and said "it's okay. I told him he could hold it". I smiled. He knew it was okay and was telling me so the only way he could. He was probably wishing he could have told me to buzz off. You can imagine my Mom is so thrilled. She awoke this morning and called me and said she wasn't going to cry this morning---that she was going to be positive. I guess that paid off. Oh, I can't forget the fact that he only needed suctioning once in 14 hours. He was needing it hourly.
I know there are still miles to travel but finally.........some good news.........after a long 5 weeks. The new Nuero team and "Bill" have been absolute Godsends. As have all of you who are thinking of us, praying, sending cards, keeping the faith, leaving comments. We love you all! I know my Dad would be blown away w/ the amount of support you all have been giving to us. I continue to pray, that one day soon, he will be able to read this himself.
Angels do exist!! You have them with you right there in the hospital and with and among your family!!! I am wondering, reading this newest update, if your dad was not responding to the old neuro team because he knew they weren't doing anything for him and now he KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS that this new team and "Bill" are really concerned and WANT to make sure he gets the best chances. I truly believe like I mentioned before, that Kraig hears everything and that he comprehends what the hell is going on. Seems so amazing that he is responding to the nurses and to the new neuro team when he wouldn't before. I am smiling, laughing and clapping my hands for all of this tremendously good news!!! God is good! A positive day for sure! I knew it when I read your post today, Sherry. It made my heart soar to see what you wrote. I burst into tears when I read above that you told Kraig to let go of the tube and hold your hand and he did!! Love, love, love!!! OMG I feel like getting up and dancing! Hugs, love and so many prayers still sent your way. xoxoxox Jan
ReplyDeleteJan--- your comments have been so wonderful, always. Thank you! I just wanted to say funny you mention that about him not liking the other Nuero team b/c the Nuero resident would say, whenever we talked to him "perhaps he just doesn't like me" about my Dad. Sounds like you know my Dad very well....I guess I'm painting a good picture.
ReplyDeleteLisa XO
I am reading your post with tears and goosebumps. Praise the Lord for this good news!
ReplyDeleteThis is great news and I am thrilled. I just think about you guys all the time and hope that you will all get some answers. Still in my thoughts and prayers.
ReplyDeleteLisa, you are painting a beautiful portrait of your dad each time you write! I have learned what a strong and faithful man he is and that he does things on his own time. He reminds me of how my father was when he was alive. If he didn't like someone or something, he could very easily ignore them or tell them to go pound sand. LOL I think your dad has some of that in him as well. It just seemed so coincidental about the two different neuro teams :) Thank you for keeping us updated. I know it's not an easy task, especially when you are bone tired and want nothing more than to sit down, put your feet up and rest...or get some sleep. Thank you for doing this for us. You and your family are very special and I simply adore and love your mom. I feel so blessed to have her as a friend.
Lisa, I was out for the evening and couldn't wait to get back to see if you had updated...and I could not be more thrilled. Having lived myself what you and yours have been living it has been a torturous journey reliving that time and praying and praying that you be as strong as you have been. You have been wonderful advocates for your father...and one day he will know just all that you have done. I am so proud of you all standing your ground on his behalf...it is not an easy job but it has to be done! The day of medical people having all the answers is gone. My heart is overflowing for you all more than I can say!
ReplyDeleteI have not one doubt that one day your father will see this blog and it will be emotional for both of you but such a gift!
I must go write your mother now...Hugs, peace and continued prayers! L.R.
oh Lisa, I am so happy for you and your family. Thank you for this blog... it truely is a wonderful way to communicate all that is going on. My thoughts and prayers are with you!!!!
ReplyDeleteJen W.
Praise God!!
I've been following this blog for a while, as your Mom is a Flickr contact of mine, and I'm so pleased something positive has happened! Hope things continue to improve.
ReplyDeleteI am so sorry I'm behind on reading the blog, but I am elated Lisa and Sherry. I'm so glad Kraig is responding to little things. I had high hopes and strong Faith Kraig would eventually come back to you, to all of you. It's a natural response to pull on that trach, so glad you took his hand and comforted him.
ReplyDeleteWow I am so jazzed and stoked.
I love God, God is Great, keep up the good work and all my love to all of you.
P.U.S.H i really works xox
Sky aka Saffron
This is just great news. Rehab is just what he needs to get motivated and strong again.
ReplyDeleteWhen my Husband was moved to the Rehab hospital i knew that the next step would be home.In The 3 months that he was there he learnt to walk, talk, feed himself and wash himself. The teams that were looking after him were all angels. I made a scrapbook for him and the team. In which i put photo's of our family and cats and home. I wrote under each photo saying who they all were. I put holiday photos in say where and when they were taken. I also wrote things about my Husband, his hobbies, what he used to work as, his favourite food, music, tv shows. This gave the teams some idea on the Man they were working with and it worked. When i was with him we would look through the scrapbook and i would ask him who the people were after a time he was able to tell me, he would sit and look through it and read what i had written. I also wrote in the back a diary after every visit, saying who had been to see him and what events had taken place. I still have that scrapbook and from time to time we both go through it . He has no memory of ever being in hospital, which in my mind is his own defence protecting him from the trauma he went through.
This is such a big step and i am so pleased you are all there to help Kraig take it.
OMG Lisa I had a hard time reading this with the happy tears in my eyes...the power of love and energy healing can move mountains and your dad is so loved and he will come through this...I woke up this morning with this strong feeling he was going to be ok..he will be home very soon...I am still praying everyday and sending much love to you and your family...hugs..
ReplyDeleteWhat a breath fresh air for you and your family!
ReplyDeleteWonderful news!!
God is good!
*still praying!
This is such great and fabulous news ! I am so happy for you Lisa, your mum and your family !
ReplyDeletePrayers have been heard even if it took quite a while and even though there's still a long path ahead of you, but I'm so relieved to hear that now you have a fabulous team at the hospital working on your dad's case and who see hope for him.
i'm still praying for you all.
Stéphanie (Baloochester)
God is awesome!!!
ReplyDeleteThis is wonderful news!!!
Every day will be better than the day before!!
Still praying!!
This is so wonderful! God answers prayers, doesn't he? I continue to pray for your Dad's speedy recovery. Angels are watching over you all.
ReplyDeleteTammy Milligan
What an uplifting update, Lisa! I am ecstatic for you and your mom. You knew to question that first group of neurosurgeons. You knew that your dad had so much more life to live and that he WAS making progress, even if it was just for you and your mom. You didn't give up on him. Now you can reap the benefits from the strength that you have provided. You have been an amazingly powerful advocate for him. I know how much pain you have endured over the past 5 weeks. You knew it would take time.....now time has passed some and you can begin to move uphill. You so deserve this positive outcome. It's about time. I love you!
ReplyDeleteLove, Jan
ReplyDeleteI am overjoyed to hear that your Dad is progressing! I REALLY believe that he will one day be reading this blog and looking back on his journey. Your August 2nd post was VERY emotional for me. As I read that post, I just cried and cried for you. I knew your pain and frustration all too well. My Grandmother suffered a stroke after a car accident that left her unable to communicate or follow directions. We hung onto hope that she would improve for so long, but she never did. My tears now are of happiness for you. The progress your Dad has made is amazing when you think about where he was a few weeks ago. I am sure it will be a long road, but one worth traveling!!
Hugs and Prayers,
Crystal Waligory
I'm crying reading all of your good news, Lisa and Sherry! God is faithful! Hang in there!!
ReplyDeletePrayers and blessings...
Jill :]
Wonderful news! You said it will be a long road, and it will, but at least you are seeing his bright eyes and responsiveness now. That is so good to hear! We'll keep thinking of you and praying for all of you, let's keep this good streak going!
ReplyDeletePeggy V
Oh Lisa, I'm so thrilled for you and your family!!!! It still takes time, but you are going to see amazing, overwhelming results from acute rehab. I just know your dad will do great there. <3 ((((hugs)))) xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteLisa, what wonderful news!!!
ReplyDeletePrayers and good thoughts still coming!!
Thanks and praise to God! xoxoxo
ReplyDeleteYou dont know how happy this make me too:)God listens ...always listens
ReplyDeleteI can see you smiling and I know this is a long and difficult road , but keep smiling that makes the heart fill with joy and keep believing and praying in faith , I will keep doing my part from here .. lots of hugs to the whole family .
And sending a lot of strength to Kraig now
Lisa, I'm sooooo very thrilled to read your update. My thoughts are always with you.xoxo
Hey guys, I'm really liking the sounds of the update. Sounds like the *new* team is more on a positive wave length. :-) I know Kraig has a ways to go yet, but baby steps are soooo much better than no steps. I'm doing the WOO HOO dance. :-) Keep the ball rolling!!!
ReplyDeleteHope you all have a wonderful weekend!! Sending well wishes, prayers and love. xoxoox
Michele (lizardgal)
Praise God for the good news, Lisa. I will continue to pray for you all. XOXO